Sunday, July 1, 2012

Through the Storms

I regret to say that our power is out. Here I am, at McDonald using the internet, wishing I had AC. Alas, I do not, so, today me and the Hubby hung out in a hot house, cooked on the grill as much of the food in the fridge that we could (the power has been out two days now) and washed dishes outside in a big bowl (we have a well but it uses electricity for to pump the water to it). Sigh; and I thought before we were living wild. NOW I feel like a pioneer! But the Lord never ceases to amazing me and we ended up have an AMAZING smoked barbecue chicken and smoked bean dinner off the grill (more on that later) and then relaxed in the cool water of Hawks Bill Creek, while watching the ducks go by. This storm has caused a lot of damage all around, and yet, as I watched the same little duckling and its mother  that we saw just a few days ago, swim by, I knew, God keeps us save and even in the roughest times, looks out for the smallest of us all. We are blessing. I know I say that a lot, but I mean it and I feel it. I feel loved in the heat of the day, though candle lite nights in a hot heat-less house, spending two hours trying to get the grill to start, and struggles of our days but I know, that at the end of the day, we still have a roof over our heads, food in the cupboard, warm blankets to sleep under, a husband to read stories to me by candles lite, and a man and dog and God who love me more than anything. Yes, I am blessed.

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