Saturday, May 16, 2015

Try the World{ a box at a time}

A few weeks ago we got a box in the mail.

It wasn't that big of a box but it felt and looks "shiny" and exciting... so we opened it up!
Inside was a little taste of a once unknown county (to us); and an abundance of bright orange confetti.

We began our trip with a verbal tour through Marrakesh. Venturing forward with a home cooked Marrakesh meal of Kefta breaded, fried sardines atop couscous and tajini and of course, green tea, we danced our way through the kitchen buzzing with Moroccan music and sensual smells.

Over dinner, I found I was quite fond of sardines and we read and discuss the traditional Marrakesh poem which was given by our "tour guide".

As the night ended Darling and I found ourselves snuggled up watching 'Casablanca' and nibbling away on sweet orange cookies

Thank you 'Try the World' for the "trip" and bringing the fire I once had for travel back in my heart and for the adventurous date.

disclaimer: I was in no way paid, bribed, or given products to try for this company. I spent my OWN money to try this product out and created this review only because I like to share information and great products I like. This company has NO IDEA I wrote this. I feel product reviews are more honest this way.
if you are interested in the product you can find out more at Try the Worlds website.

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